Modern Day Psalms #1

My daughters wrote the psalms I will be sharing this week as part of their creative writing in school.  Enjoy this first one from Morgan, age 12.


Shout unto the Lord, he has done great things.

From the day I was born,

To the day I die,

He watches over me, He watches over me.


I walk in his footsteps,

Because he is the light

I follow his light from day to night, from day to night.


He’s with me all the time,

He’s in my heart,

He tells me what is right,

Everyday is a new start, everyday is a new start.


This is the day you have made,

The sun to shine,

And You to lead the way, You to lead the way.

I praise You for this day,

I praise You for this night,

I praise You for your Light,

I praise You for your Light,

I praise You for your Light.

About Scott Roberts

pastor of Hope in Christ Church, Bellingham, WA
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